
Posted on 08/21/2019 09:20:00 AM

How To Beat Anxiety In The Workplace

Anxiety is a physical or biological response to perceived threats or dangers, so it is not surprising that the workplace with its deadlines, rivalries, & uncertainty, is a prime cause of anxiety in adults. Around 40 million adults in the US suffer from anxiety & the trials of the workplace.


Posted on 08/06/2019 08:48:00 AM

What Do I Do If My Depression Medication Doesn’t Work

It can seem cruel when you're doing everything right - seeing a doctor and taking the prescribed medication - when your depression simply does not improve. It can feel like you’re totally alone and you’re never going to get well again, but you shouldn’t give up hope because you are not alone.


Posted on 07/18/2019 12:33:00 PM

How Can I Help My Friend Who is Depressed?

Helping a friend who is feeling depressed is not easy. You may feel confused, scared, angry, and worried. With that being said, here are some tips to help you show support while still taking care of yourself. Read more to learn about how you can help out a friend if you suspect they are depressed.


Posted on 07/04/2019 09:08:00 AM

How Depression Affects The Body: Physical Symptoms

The body can be impacted by negative & positive catalysts. When considering the ramifications of a mental health condition such as depression, you may assume it only disrupts the functions of the mind. However, people who suffer from clinical depression also experience the physical effects.


Posted on 06/20/2019 07:26:00 AM

ECT vs Antidepressants vs TMS

Depression is one of the major causes of disability in the U.S. among people age 15 to 44. First-line approaches such as antidepressant drugs & psychotherapy may not work for everyone. Around ⅔ of people with depression don't get satisfactory relief from the first antidepressant drug they try.


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