
How to Return Successfully to Society and Work After Quarantine When You Have Depression and Anxiety

Posted on 05/21/2020 11:16:00 AM
How to Return Successfully to Society and Work After Quarantine When You Have Depression and Anxiety

The world has changed. Many Americans have spent over two months in isolation due to Coronavirus. There has been significant hardship, lost income, reduced access to community services, and lack of social supports. These rapid changes have caused patients to experience the ongoing effects of anxiety and depression. Others without these conditions may have also developed them. While you may have your medication and behavioral health care, you may be lacking the face-to-face contact that helps you manage your state of mind.  

The Shift to Reopening After Coronavirus

At MidValley Healthcare, we are experts in mental health, and we are always prepared to help our fellow Idahoans cope with stress. However, we are going through a transitional phase as businesses and community venues begin to reopen. This requires everyone to adjust. There is a new normal emerging, and many people are afraid of social interactions when they were not before. More than ever, people are afraid of getting germs from close contact. Also, some people who never felt social anxiety may now experience it and not know how to handle it. 

Anxiety Regarding Change and Transition

Patients with mental health concerns are contemplating the transition. Naturally, you have many questions like these:

  • How long will this last?
  • Am I safe?
  • Will life ever be normal again?

If you were already suffering from depression, it is likely you experienced increased symptoms unless you were able to have physical interaction with your supports. You are not alone, and you can speak to a professional counselor about your fears about re-entering your community.

When you speak with someone about your troubles, you will get the powerful benefit of knowledge. The alternative to talking to a treatment provider is continuing to suffer high anxiety because you do not have enough facts to alleviate your fears. In fact, we have never had a period of isolation like this in recent memory.

Make a Plan and Set Expectations to Tame Anxiety

Life will return to normal in stages. It is possible that people you know will treat you differently because they fear the virus. The first businesses to open will be more stores, restaurants, and public-facing services. However, there will be some social distancing, including people wearing masks and gloves and more aggressive cleaning practices. Groups of ten or more are discouraged. In an eatery, you may have to eat six feet away from the nearest party. Others may avoid handshakes, hugs, high-fives, kisses, and touching things that you touched, including your dishes and silverware. They may be anxious if you show signs of communicable illness, such as coughing, runny nose, fever, or difficulty breathing.

At work, you can expect to maintain social distance by maintaining 6-foot distances from colleagues during internal meetings and carry out client conversations over Zoom or through phone calls and emails.

Get Help with Depression and Anxiety

For more information, please contact MidValley Healthcare to set a telehealth appointment. We can assist you with the readjustment process and any work anxiety you experience as life returns to a new normal. We also offer medication management for depression and anxiety.  .

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