Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Clinic Locations in Boise & Meridian

Understanding Generalized Anxiety Disorder and How to Treat It

If you are struggling with mental health, you are not alone. One of the most common mental illnesses is Generalized Anxiety Disorder. In the U.S., about 40 million adults suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder every year. While many people worry, Generalized Anxiety Disorder is different from the occasional feelings of anxiety.

Mental Health Support

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is the excessive worry about different things such as money, relationships, or work. There is an anticipation that something terrible will happen. It can be challenging to control these feelings. Many are aware that their persistent nervousness is unwarranted, but they feel it is beyond their control. Various factors can contribute to Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Fortunately, there is treatment available to improve mental health.

Signs and Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Signs and Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

There are numerous symptoms that you may experience with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Signs can be physical or mental and may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Restlessness
  • Headaches
  • Overthinking plans
  • Viewing situations as terrifying
  • Unable to let go of worry
How Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder Diagnosed?

How Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder Diagnosed?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is diagnosed by a mental health screening provided by your general practitioner or psychologist. They will discuss your symptoms and feelings with you and rule out probable causes. You will have to schedule multiple appointments before you get a diagnosis.

Where Can You Get Help with Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Risk Factors

While anyone can develop Generalized Anxiety Disorder, women are more likely to be diagnosed. Those with a timid personality may be at a higher risk. Often avoiding dangerous situations can make you more susceptible to Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Some people who have GAD will have a family history of the disorder. Adverse life events can also increase the risk of developing Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

When Should You Find Help for Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

You will want to seek professional help as soon as possible. If excessive worry is impacting your work or daily life, then you should see a doctor. You also may want to get help if you experience some of the symptoms. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is easier to treat early on before it becomes severe.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Therapy

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is treatable with medication, therapy, or a combination of the two. You will need to talk to your doctor to find out what treatment is right for you. Some treatment options are:

Signs and Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder


Some people benefit from medication. There are anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants available. Benzodiazepines have also been used to lessen GAD symptoms.


Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is a series of sessions where you talk with a psychiatrist to work through complex issues. A common type of psychotherapy is cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy is a non-invasive treatment. It uses magnetic fields to stimulate the area of the brain that is involved with mood control. TMS can treat a wide range of symptoms related to Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Where Can You Get Help with Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Where Can You Get Help with Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Our team of licensed professionals at MidValley Healthcare in Boise and Meridian, Idaho, provides patients with quality mental health services. Each patient is different, and we are dedicated to finding the right treatment to achieve a happier, healthier life. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
