
Summertime Blues: The Facts About Seasonal Affective Disorder

Posted on 05/23/2019 11:56:00 AM
Summertime Blues: The Facts About Seasonal Affective Disorder

Often when we hear the words, “Seasonal Affective Disorder,” we get a specific set of images in our head. We think of freezing winters, short, dark days, and long nights. But did you know you can also have Summertime Seasonal Affective Disorder? Yes, SSAD is a real thing, and it affects about 10% of the population at large.

Sufferers have noted that the impact of summer can weigh heavily on one’s mood. Unbearable heat and humidity, body image issues arising from beachgoing, and disrupted schedules can all exacerbate the disorder.

It’s important to recognize the symptoms of SSAD in order to treat the condition effectively. The list is very similar to the list of common symptoms of depression, and should not be taken lightly by any means.

Changes in Appetite, Weight Loss

Some people suffering from Summertime Seasonal Affective Disorder find they have little to no appetite. However, some may find themselves binging endlessly. Note changes in your eating habits. Also, note if your weight suddenly increases or decreases. Inconsistency is the keyword here.


You may find you don’t possess the energy to accomplish the simplest of tasks. If everyday chores are weighing you down, this could be a sign of depression.

Trouble Sleeping

Insomnia is very common in people suffering from depression. But sleeping too much can also be a sign.

Anxiety, Restlessness and Agitation

Do you ever experience a feeling of dread, or the need to run and hide, or any nervous energy that you can’t explain? These conditions can negatively affect not only your life but the life of your loved ones as well. They need to be taken seriously.

Fortunately, there is help for those suffering from Summertime Seasonal Affective Disorder. Medical providers will often prescribe counseling and/or antidepressants for those with the condition. But there are also some things you can do on your own. Practicing getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and a proper diet can work wonders. Sometimes these steps aren’t enough and you should seek professional intervention.

It’s important to realize that even though the condition will tend to “self-correct” once summer is over, that is no reason to ignore the condition altogether. Even three months of depression can be incredibly debilitating.

Know that there is help available and that you and your loved ones deserve it.

For tips and information on professional treatment, please visit our website at:

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